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Hourly Consulting

We provide hourly consulting on any aspect of your case, in a way that can easily stay within your budget. For example:

  • Theme development: Lawsuits aren’t won or lost because of a magical phrase. Instead, a phrase becomes magical when it perfectly encapsulates what jurors are already thinking. Our objective feedback enables you to select the right thematic approach; one that both fits your case and is powerful enough to transcend the differences between jurors.
  • Case analysis: We review critical case materials and provide you with a strategy that best fits your facts, such as: how do key witnesses come across? Are you coming on too strong or not strong enough? Do you need simple demonstratives to get your point across? What should those demonstratives look like? Is your case better (or worse) than you realize? Can those realizations help you obtain a better result? Most case analyses take anywhere from two to six hours.
  • Opening and closing statements: We work with you to develop the powerful, clear and compelling statements: that allow you to gain the jury’s confidence from the moment you stand before them. You will not ramble or waste time. Instead, you will hold the jury in rapt attention as you step closer to victory for your client.
  • Demonstrative evidence: We help you develop effective demonstrative charts that are easy to understand and capture the theme of the case.
  • Witness preparation for depositions and cross-examination: Now that more litigants are using videotaped depositions, the need for preparation is even greater. Before a witness’s testimony is forever imprinted in video or in jurors’ minds, we work with the witness to help them recognize the often superficial impediments to clear and effective communication. Once witnesses understand what triggers their mannerisms, they can avoid making mistakes when it counts.
  • Witness preparation for direct examination: It is rare for a lawyer to question his or her client and be completely satisfied with the response. The good news is that witness preparation doesn’t require major personality renovations or psychoanalysis. When we work with a witness, rather than focus exclusively on the witness, we examine how well or poorly the lawyer and witness respond to each other’s communication styles and cues. This prevents the witness from feeling defensive and is the most effective (and simple) way to convert disjointed testimony into a convincing story.
  • Witness evaluation: We review the testimony of deposed witnesses, giving the attorney recommendations regarding the witness' overall credibility, strengths, and weaknesses, as well as recommendations for how the attorney can best leverage testimony for use during mediation and trial.
  • Editing videotaped depositions: Videotaped depositions are full of pure gold but lawyers almost never go back and mine that gold. We love nothing more than putting together devastating clips for you to use in your Day in the Life videos, settlement negotiations, or trial. Don’t sit on your “gold”and forget about it. Let us help you use it to your greatest advantage!
  • Post-verdict juror interviews: Lawyers often say they learn their most valuable lessons after losing. That is true when they learn how jurors felt about their case. While not all jurisdictions allow post-verdict interviews, many do and as third-parties, jurors feel comfortable giving us honest, critical feedback that we then share with you.
"I want to thank you for the outstanding work that you did. Your focus group was a great aid to us in determining our continuing strategy. Ultimately, this case is resolved and we have been informed that this has been the most successful resolution of a capital case to date, since the reinstatement of the death penalty in Connecticut. Thank you for helping us gain a true insight into this case."
Richard T. Meehan, Jr., Partner, Meehan, Meehan & Gavin

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For support on a pending case
or more information about our
services call 703-425-8611
or email ckoch@jurysolutions.com
Call Jury Solutions LLC at 703 425 8611, or email Carolyn S. Koch at ckoch@jurysolutions.com

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